Wrapping Up: Via Delivery

June 15, 2013 – Day 694

Last April, I wrote about how fast food eateries (e.g., McDonald’s, Burger King) in Peru employ motorcycles to deliver their edibles to people’s homes.

In that post, I made the claim that the burgers and fries that appear at the customer’s front door is as hot as it is if they had been ordered at the restaurant itself. I made this claim with no experience to back it up so I was actually making a guess when I refuted the comment by Kai Ryssdal.

However, I can now state with absolute authority whether the meat patty and salted potatoes do indeed come to the house hot for today we (finally) called our local McDonald’s and ordered Big Macs, McNuggets, a McPollo, a McNifica, and french fries.

Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang and outside our door was a motorcycle carrying our food.

The verdict is in: The food is definitely still hot even when delivered.

Things are looking good for the citizens of San Fransisco, L.A., and Chicago who want their McEdibles delivered to their front door.

About sinpolaris

sinpolaris is the psuedonym of a guy who likes to write.

Posted on June 20, 2013, in Difference, Peru and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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